Sunday, July 22, 2012

With everything there is to do

What do you think I've been stressing over in these last few days before we leave for China? Your first guess might be food. Yes, I'll admit food is usually the first, second or third thing on my mind at any given moment. In that same list though comes sunscreen, child safety locks, water safety, toddlers chewing and swallowing their food. Okay, you get the picture. Between writing up schedules, numerous notes and stickies posted all over the house, my mind rests on one thing this morning. I wish I could say it was faith and prayer. In fact, I should probably stop this post right now and get down on my knees to talk to God. But, I can't stop thinking about the shower in our master bath.

So in every place that I've ever lived I am notorious for NOT cleaning the shower that I use daily. Our guest showers and little boy's tub are immaculate (It gets cleaned weekly). But for some reason, while I can wipe down the walls and glass doors with cleaner, I can't bring myself to scrub our shower walls and floor. Embarrassing I know. I hope my Mother is not reading this post.

I think it all started when we lived in Colorado Springs. Andy was deployed for 15 months and I was either preparing to get pregnant or actively pregnant with Jack most of that time. I never cleaned the shower or tub for fear the chemicals in the tub and tile cleaner would be harmful to Jack. When we left Colorado Springs and Andy spent almost an entire day in the tub scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing at soap scum. And, the day we moved out of our house in Sioux Falls that job was mine. Again, it took nearly the whole day and half a can of Bon Ami to get the job done.

Well, we're not moving out of our place anytime soon, so what's the big deal? The big deal is Andy's parents, our good friends and my stepdad are all coming to our house to take care of Jack while we're gone for two weeks to China. We've offered up our bedroom and bathroom as a guest area for such an extended stay. And now you're just starting to understand why my filthy shower is weighing so heavily on my mind. Oh well, it's time to get back to cooking organizing, list making, list checking-off, packing, unpacking, weighing, breathing deeply, lists, lists, lists, notes, Notes, Notes. And don't forget… PRAYING while I scrub, scrub, scrub.
The clean, white part in the upper left corner and around the drain
are the small areas I scrubbed before my shower last night.  Whoa! A lot left to do.

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